Serv U 724, A Different Kind of Computer Company. 

                 We specialize in remote support & backup; you are just a click away from help!

     We specialize in remote computer support, backup and computer repairs.
    With our new service plans you don't have to wait until something happens
    before calling us....we will call you.
    If your computer is slow we can speed it up. If you have a lot of stuff that
    you don't want to lose, we
can back it up. If you want it to stay running fast
    we will connect to you and
keep it running fast!
    Have computer problems? When we connect to you we will fix them!

    Do you need computer help? We can show you how to do something
    with remote training. This way you are sitting at the drivers seat
    and take a hands on approach to learning.
    Want to Learn How to Cook ?
   You Should Start with Breakfast !